Trolleybus Bridge-Insulation with NEW Suspension-clamp from Ivema
As one of the first projects where the new!! patented Suspension-clamp has been installed, is a renewed Bridge-protect-insulation in Arnhem, Netherlands.
The Operator Connexxion has realized a renovation of a „Bridge-protection“ with our new installation technique in summer 2020.
Especially for this project a special design for the Sandwich-Insul-boards and the sideguides at the left and the right of the boards was required. Ivema has designed and engineered a suitable solution.

An additional challenge for the Operator and the Staff aside was…., they required an easy solution to be able to repair the System in case of an accident (e.g. a Truck who damaged and/or fully destroyed the boards).
Due to this reason the Installationteam installed the clamp under the board and the screw outside of the board.

A probable change of the boards (as described, after an accident) is now easy to manage. The staff needs to untorque the screws outside, move the H-profile a bit sidewards, and the board is free to handle and to replace. Very, very easy! Handcrafters who knew the ordeal of the past will love this solution!
Also during the installation at site the Craftsmen saw really great advantages. They have entirely preassembled all parts under the bridge-ceiling, at the last step they plugged in the boards sidewards, pushed the H-profile and torqued the screws.
Statement of the Craftsmen: „wow, we never thought that such an installation can be so easy also….“.