Messenger-Pulley 360
Messengerwire-pulley 360
(with endless turnable suspension clevis, and upper tab for the use in curves)
Again a new product from Ivema´s-Creative-Team — our new Messengerwire Pulley with 360° turnable suspension, and additional upper retaining tab.
Our Team worked on a solution to cover the problems of undefined and worst torsions onto the Catenary-system by using usual pulleys in areas of curves. Such worst using/ installations can be found in endless Tramway-Catenaries (high-chains) all over the world. In curves with a low radius the pulleys are faced to extreme and undefined torsions and they will take damages and will hinder the entire Catenary-system in their dynamic, elasticity and freely moving of the „chain“.
If pulleys installed at long doubletrack-Cantilevers or in Catenary-rope-fields makes not really a difference – as long as the pulley gets into an angle position (or horizontal) caused by high horizontal forces, the technique will be forced to torsions and worst distorsion. (–> see following pics….)

At least the result is, that the Pulley deforms, …and the pulleyframe, … and that the bearing takes damages and at least the pulley won´t be able to roll! This is better to call as „Messengerwire-sliding-device“ , as a pulley!!! …. following pics will show this…..

Ivema´s new innovative Messengerwire-Pulley does now have a 360° endless turning suspension clevis, because in some cases the Cross-field does not span the track with 90°, rather with an angle up to 45° and sometimes less.
And this new product is extremely innovative caused by the additional upper retaining tab , which shall be used in Curves with a low radius – however…, always when the Pulley takes a horizontal position or a worst angle.
By using the upper tab we will have an optimized installation of the hanger-rope, and a forces/tension situation, which do not causes any worst and damaging torsions in the Catenary.
… like pics below are showing .

Patent Penbding for this „Messengerwire-Pulley with upper tab“