
We are doing Training!

Works at Overhead-Catenary-Systems are always underrated, unfortunately.

But this technical work field is of highest complexity, and OCS-Crafters will be permanently confronted with topics like dynamics, statics, mechanic, electrics and with natural influences as well, in their daily work – therefore for these people a highest and well-educated specialist knowledge is a must.

Modern Employee Training

Your staff will be trained with the most modern methods of training, like our active/reactive-workshop.  Beside the necessary training programs of all 4 years for working under Voltage to 1500 VDC (conform to DGUV 103-011 – german for H&S), we are doing also usual Crafters training, Statics basics and generally Safety at work.

Training Opportunities

  • AuS (training for work under Voltage)
  • Electrotechnical instructed persons
  • Electric Specialist for specified tasks
  • Working in a height
  • Foreman training
  • Basics of Static
  • Basics of OCS facilities and equipments
  • Project management Seminars and Project management-Coaching for decision makers

Individual Training Programs

Get in contact with us! We would like to talk with you about your customized training program. If In-house in your premises or in training centers we will organize for you, we will train your Staff up to a high level of knowledge, so that they will be safely able to understand technical coherences quickly, and to recognize risks of Safety at work.