100 Days, 100 Months, 100 Years and a lot more….., WUPPERTAL SUSPENSION MONORAIL!
After a 8 months longterm „out of service“ period, the Suspension Railway in Wuppertal ist still working since 100 days now. Nobody is happy to remember that bad event by November 2018 when a 300 meter long Current-rail section was fallen down due to a break of an old Insulator.
But for Ivema-Fahrleitungsbau a well reason to communicate our Co-work on the technical solution, on why this transportation system in Wuppertal was allowed to become back into operation in August 2019.
Ivema delivered Loop-Insulators for this socalled „back-to operation-project“; Insulators who will take care that the current rail will be held at the top, not falling down again for the future (so to speak a meachanical/electrical redundance). In an unlikely event that an Insulator, or a holding-clamp would breaks, the Loop insulators were additionally installed here to catch the rail.
The picture below shows the technical solution, on how this catch-device has been realized.

These shown solution was examined during lots of test-procedures. After such a bad damage event the Oprator must be more than 100% safe that the solution itself, and all items, raw-materials and the construction as well, must be conform to the highest requirements.
A couple of Engineers form Wuppertaler Suspension Rail and independent Engineers and Constructeurs, and Approving-authorities from Government and Technical-Supervision-authority gave after intensive calculations and breakable parts-checks their final approval and a GO and their green light!
So, the construction is well and all items (as well the loop insulators) are conform with all Norms, valid Laws and product-safety-law, and are able to withstand the high forces in case of a bad damage event, which shall never be happen again.
Technical Datas of our Insulator:
- Hole-hole distance 150mm
- Permanent load under operation (Fperm) 25 kN
- Failing load, break (Ffail) 75-80 kN
- Insulating voltage, under operation 3,0 kV
- ECR Fibreglasscore, silicone-housed